Thursday, July 17, 2008

Comparipost #1----Jack Bauer vs. Chuck Norris for Ultimate All American Hero

Throughout history there have been many hypothetical matchups between the greats in each of their pertinent fields. Mike Tyson vs. Ali. Jordan vs. Bryant. Cary Grant vs. Brad Pitt. Some of these historical anomalies will be seen in future compariposts. To start out this blog of compariposts I wanted to find a subject matter that would be full of passionate arguments and strong opinions. What better subject matter than the great comparison of one of the greatest entertainment-karate heroes to the ever so (somewhat recently) popular Jack Bauer. Take into consideration that we are matching up a fictional (but for anyone who knows him, so very real) character in Jack Bauer against many fictional characters played by a single real being.

Chuck Norris is most well known for his roles in Delta Force, Hellbound, Walker Texas Ranger, Top Dog, and Firewalker. Many a badguy received a taste of a swift roundhouse from the likes of Chuckies Black or Brown boots depending on what matched is current attire. It is his relentless ability to royally kick butt that has earned him such amazing jokes as "When Chuck Norris jumps in the ocean he doesn't get wet, the ocean gets Chuck Norris." It has been said that Chuck Norris can speak braille and that he has counted to infinity....twice.

In Contrast, it is rumored that the contender, Jack Bauer, beat out George Washington in the general presidential election of 1789, however congress would not allow a figure who had not been born yet to be sworn into office. Jack Bauer can get out of being trapped in a solid cement block with his hands tied behind his back. Never has such enthusiasm risen for an American television hero as the following that this ever-so-human man has received, including the like of MacGyver and HeMan. Who knows how long ago America would have fallen had it not been for the heroics of such a great man.

Now, put the two in an Iron Maiden together and see which one comes out alive. As actually completing this project of discovery would violate federal law, we leave it up to hypotheticals and argument. It is for all to put in their two bits, weigh in, but for you to decide. Who is the greatest All-American Hero? Let the debate begin!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great moment of reading blogs.

Melissa said...

oh easy! BRETT LEE! That is our great american hero! Duh!

JeTLee said...

Here are 10 good reasons why Chuck kicks butt!

1. Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
2. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
3. Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
4. Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
5. Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.
6. Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.
7. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
8. Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.

9. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

10. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

irene said...

I absolutely Love the Chuck Norris jokes and was a huge fan of them for the longest time.
BUT I have seen all the 24 seasons and this is a mighty hard question to pose! I will say JACK Bauer is my choice, there is absolutely Nothing Jack Bauer cannot do

Peter said...

With only these two options I'd have to go with Jack Bauer. Chuck took a big hit in my book in the Walker days.

But put them together and they still couldn't top Jason Bourne. I mean the guy will kill you with a ball point pen. He'll crush your windpipe with the spine of a book.

The guy doesn't even have to consciously think about it, he can't even remember his name. He used the body of an enemy as a shield and to break his fall down a five story stairwell, you can't get much better than that.

Jason Bourne all the way!